taxayem kanawi tillixam~ I have a chak chak flying overhead, so that’s a good start to my day!
Last week I started a 3-part series on my Platform of Honoring the Past, Serving the Present and Shaping the Future to delve deeper into my specific commitments with tangible objectives for:
Elder Care
Education & Youth
Financial Sustainability &
Preserving Culture and Spirituality, all embedded in community.
So jumping right into the 2nd video in this 3-part series, “Serving the Present” has 3 points of discussion: Tribal Member Communication, Tribal Member Engagement & Elder Care & Aging in Place
#1 Tribal Member Communication:
- Continue to encourage unified statements on a consistent basis on social media from the “office of the Tribal Council” as a Marketing/Communications strategy on key issues. (for example, the week prior to per cap & other high-level decisions that are made by TC and/or Boards. On the one hand we’re so fortunate to have so many methods of communicating with one another and on the other it can be overwhelming and messaging can get lost. Consistency is key and a unified statement on behalf of one body helps prevent misinformation from occurring.
- Next: Tribal Resources & Outreach by age starting at birth; then turning 18 & receiving health and medical resources, insurance info, vocational rehabilitation info, scholarship opportunities & financial education, Voter registration forms, etc. all in one packet. Then becoming an elder at 55 for outreach and purposes, (even a small gift like a pocketbook of our tribal constitution with names of current and past Tribal Council representatives).
- And lastly for Tribal Member Communication is an idea to have a “Council Corner” on the Grand Ronde webpage with links to blogs, Facebook pages, personal webpages, etc – I really enjoy the TC FB pages, blogs and Youtube videos and having links and access to those in one location I think would be so helpful.
#2 Tribal Member Engagement:
- I would love to see a “Tribal member Dashboard” on the webpage for members only….with access and links to meeting minutes, the awesome enrollment reports we just received, the Tilikum wawa and resources etc without having to request them or locate them on differing pages.
- To that degree, also seeing the Tilikum Wawa specials available online and in Audio format. We all spend alot of time in our vehicles, while I love to read, most of my available time is spent listening. Having the ability to provide key information in audio format for elders I believe would also be very useful.
- These weekly videos I’ve been doing is an example of Tribal Member engagement that I would be committed to continuing on some level if I were representing the members. Announcements, weekly highlights of priorities, just touching base workweek: Posting Schedules, a recap of trainings, insight, travel, thoughts about various legislation being considered, etc. It’s just one more method and strategy to aid in that goal.
- And lastly under ™ Engagement is to seek more Advisory Adhoc Committees for tribal members who want to be involved and engaged for various tribal issues. There is already an Ordinance in place that supports these efforts and utilizing the talents and interests of tribal members to help expand outreach for members who are not as involved can be very effective in the long-run and if you’re able to attend one of my upcoming picnics I would love to expand on ideas for that work. (such as calling members who are not registered to vote or disengaged with the tribe). Add option on SVF allowing candidates to receive contact info. Increased efforts and priority to engage with eligible voting members who are not registered.
And last but not least, on that I am very passionate about: #3: Elder Care & Aging in Place:
- Continuing to build upon and enhance key Partnerships in the community such as local colleges & universities (for practicum students and interns that need volunteer hours and credit hours for their degrees to work with elders and students. (Tutoring, technology education for elders, capturing their stories on video, exploring mentorship opportunities to look like: just sharing a meal, linking the generations and breaking down barriers between the generations)
- Explore Intergenerational Housing Models such as Bridge Meadows which creates and builds Intergenerational communities where elders and youth and families thrive and support one another. I have a link to a Bridge Meadows video on my webpage if you would like to learn more about that work.
- Along the same vein of housing: Exploring Transitional housing models for elders when transitioning from Independent living to Adult foster care, retirement center living and Assisted living in a hospice care setting. Not just to improve the quality of life and create a thriving retirement community, but also to serve as an economic development opportunity for tribal members to own, lease or work for these care facilities.
- Developing a Community Volunteer Elder Ambassador program for youth/elder mentorship opportunities. Community ambassadors would fill the gap for elders on various needs whether it be technology, community resources, cleaning, yard work, community garden visits, general welfare checks etc.
- And Lastly for Elder Care is creating a Social Services Community Advocate (ie., establishing wills, advanced directives, wishes, estate planning, providing individual & family counseling, and ensuring that elder abuse is not a concern.
If you want to reach out and talk more about any of these ideas further, please reach out on Facebook or email me at
You can also get a sneak peek of the last video of this series on “Shaping the Future” for:
Tribal Youth & Creating Future Leaders
Economic Development & Financial Sustainability
And Enrollment & Membership
on my webpage at
Alqi, have a good day.